Saturday, February 20, 2010


It's been a while since I posted - December 28, 2009 to be exact. After a very slow December, life has picked up at such a fanatic pace that I am struggling to keep up. I'm not really complaining because this is so much better than having nothing to do. I just spend more money on caffeine and spend less time with the dogs (sadsies).

I have decided to give up fried foods for Lent. Even though I am not Catholic, I join in on the Lent fun every year. I like to think of it as a mental challenge rather than a spiritual thing. In Lent accomplishments, I believe my record is 1-8. As in, I have only met my Lent goal once. And I think I set my goal real low (gave up Kit-Kats) that year. I even tried giving up friend foods before. I think I gave in one drunk night with a basket full of Villard chicken strips and fries. But this year might be my year. Wish me luck!