Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Instead of Studying . . .

as I should be. I am planning Miso's new summer do. I (as in my mom, since he attacks all groomers) will be attempting to pull off a lion cut. So from this:

to this:

What do you think? Notice the subtle layering. So chic. I can't wait.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just a Bookmark for now

I was on SFGate.com and I ran across this article in the "Mommy Files." Don't panic, I'm not preggers, the headline just caught my eye.

Suburban vs. urban moms

Going to the article, here is the lead in: Is there a difference between the mom who lives in Danville and the mom who's raising her family in Noe Valley?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trying to Get Back on Karma's Good Side

Just a disclaimer to anyone who reads my blog, I'm going to spend probably the next two or three posts flushing some stuff out of my mind. It probably will be the whiny, fatalistic kinds of posts. But right now, I feel like I need this. I need to flush the shit so I can feel lighter and ready to move on.

Lately, I've been feeling really toxic. I managed to nail down the right word this afternoon so I have to rush and blog before my ADD mind forgets and moves on. What started out as negativity has now turned into toxic-ity (is that as word?) and I know something is wrong because I don't feel bad about it. Most people wouldn't classify me as a negative person or even a mean person, and I will have to agree. I might have negative or mean thoughts but I always felt bad about them afterwards. And that is how I gauge whether my negativity is toxic. Apparently now, I just don't care. This is not good.

Why all the negativity? I'm not exactly sure. Perhaps it's because I'm turning 30 and have accomplished nothing I thought I would. I live at home with my parents (they are lovely so I shouldn't complain too much) and I feel like my life is at a constant state of idle. I don't do idle. I'd rather have Miso poop on me than be idle.

Perhaps it's because sometimes I feel so alone even though I have friends. I love all my friends, but everyone is doing so great and moving forward in their lives I just hate to be the debbie downer. But shit, I am down. Real down.

So dear mr. karma god/goddess, I am sorry for hoping that my ex bf's baby looks like a horse (no, not the ex with the same last name. i hope that baby is cute). I am also sorry for wishing that perky chick at the gym falls on her face on the treadmill. Oh, and I'm really for secretly calling at least 20 people a whore or a douche. While I am at it, I'm really sorry for wishing an accidental pregnancy on someone. Now are we even? B/c as much as kid around, being mean really doesn't have any benefits. It just makes you petty and bitter. And unhappy.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm not dead.

So, I've got a little less than an hour before my partnership tax class so I figured I'd stop in and blog a bit. Hello, my five followers. I have missed you even though I talk to most of you on a regular basis.

New Stuff:

I like new country music now. I feel like I have to specify what type of country lest people get confused. I like me some Lady Antebellum, Sugarland and some Carrie Underwood.

I no longer have class on Wednesday nights so I can possibly have a life now. Like a post-work drinks kind of life. The best kind that involves booze.

My bff is getting married and is going slowly insane. But since I love her and hold her hand as I thumb through five million variations of short white dresses on the internets and as I try to convince to her to let me consume more than two drinks before I give my maid of hour speech while wearing my "maid of hour" glittered sash. She is so unreasonable sometimes.

I am going to be dividing my summer between SF and Sac. I am interning for free (b/c that is the only work that I can qualify for) at the Franchise Tax Board in Sac.

I will be graduating from my LLM program this summer.

Miso is turning 6 this summer. I am already planning his birthday.

I know that's not a Papillon but with the weight that Miso has been putting on lately, he's getting close.