Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Short Bangs Disaster of 2008

As many of you friends might already know, I had a hair disaster a couple of weeks ago (a.k.a. The Short Bangs Disaster of 2008). Against the advice of my stylist/mother, I cut my bangs short. I don't know why but I thought it would be a genius idea. WRONG. I look like a Monkey with bangs.

Since I figured you friends love me regardless of what I look like, I decided to post a picture. Let this be a lesson to any of you who have shorter foreheads like mine. DON'T GET SHORT BANGS. Anyways, here's a picture that my mom took.

And just for the hell of it, here's a picture of Miso after I gave him a noogie. That's how I feel about my haircut. Annoyed.


Anne said...

Thank you for posting evidence of the SBD of 2008. It truly was a hot mess. I feel for you now.

marie gets married said...

yes, we still love you. :)

myking76 said...

sorry...i had to show mitch

michellewoo said...

Woah! What do they look like now? I think if you just make them thicker, they can be really cute!! Seriously!