Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ragnar Relay Race

My buddy Keith got me to commit to running the Ragnar Relay Race in April. I started out super excited because I have never run a race like this. It's a 177 mile relay race from Santa Barbara to Dana Point. Luckily I don't have to run 177 miles. I only have to run three legs, each leg being about 5 miles or so because each team will have 12 runners. However, I just realized that there is a good chance that I will have to run in the middle of the night. I have no idea when this thing starts at but with 177 miles I think we're going to be running for a while. That makes me nervous. Luckily Keithers tells me that there are a lot of good runners on my team and maybe they can pick up my slow ass.

Either way, I am excited. If you are on the route and want to cheer me on, here's the info on the race:

My team name is: Ask Me About My B.R.

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