Monday, December 28, 2009

Let me Get some Hi-Chews and I'm Outtie

Have you ever been to Daiso? It is basically an amazing store full of so much useless $1.50 stuff it's ridiculous. Not everything is $1.50 but most of it is. They have two of my current obsessions - Hi-Chews and Banana Keepers.

These Japanese candies so sooooo good. They are these rectangular chewy candies that are oh so tasty. I just ate seven of them in a row. My personal favorite is the melon flavor.

Now the Banana Keeper must have been the best Christmas gift I gave this year. My friends Jenny and Wincy loved them. They keep your bananas unsquished and will get people staring at you. What more could you want? They did come in green and yellow, which are Ducks colors I might add.


Anne said...

I can't believe you bought the banana keepers!!!!

Natasha said...

are you really that surprised?

Unknown said...

you haven't been posting and i miss you :)