Friday, February 27, 2009


Yo. Person who commented on my blog but then deleted the comment. What the heck? You are killing me with the suspicion. Is that you bouncy Asian from the gym? If it is, I'm going to cut your ponytail the next time I see you at the gym.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


1. Boys that listen to Coldplay.
2. Boys that are paler than I.
3. Boys that make you a mix tape. Especially if N'Sync is on there and we are over 25 years old.
4. Boys have little tattoos on their asses.
5. Boys that lack female friends.
6. "Nice, tall" boys that your aunt introduces you to.
7. Boys that are not interested sports. Double take if you are ONLY interested in the following: golf, tennis, bowling, NASCAR (extra eyebrow arch there).
8. Any boy with a nickname that starts with "Fast."
9. Any boy who's idea of romantic music is "Electric Relaxation." Tight song but, "Now I'm gonna pound that putang till it stanks" isn't romance.
10. Boys that cause me to lose my taste for chocolate mousee cups.
11. Boys that are into Japanese anime.
12. Boys that don't like dogs.
13. Boys that don't drink.
14. Any boy with a nickname that starts with "Dirty."
15. Boys who have stuffed animals in their rooms. . . and a matching one in his car.

This list makes me giggle.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

what the hell am i doing with my life?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I May Be Going to Hell

Tonight around Mile 3 on my run on the treadmill, I was mean. As the young little Asian chick hops on the treadmill next to me and proceeds to bounce/run with her little ponytail, short shorts and Jordans I thought to myself:

"Listen you little brat, I hate you. You and your bouncy ponytail. I know you won't last 10 minutes on this treadmill. Just you wait until you are 28 and you feel like any moment you boobs might start sagging and you start to wonder whether you need eye cream. Just you wait until you realize that no matter how smart you are, the little Asian chick running with the short shorts next to you will always be cuter and bouncier and will likely not owe over 50K in loans. Bounce now bioch. Keep bouncing."

I know I was being mean but it did give me some more motivation to run that last mile. Hey, I might be going to hell but at least I got something out of it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

La La Land and some O.C. as well

I finally got around to uploading all of my six pictures that I took from my recent trip to So. Cal. You would think that I would take more but I just wasn't in the paparazzi mood this time around. Anyways, here are some pics:

From L to R: Wang, Me (I'm doing my best "round pork bun with bangs and no eyes" impression), Bee, Mish, Des and Chi.

These girls (along with the absent Alice) are probably my closest friends in So. Cal. We went to Irvine together and all were in Pi Phi at the same time. Say what you want about sororities, but I am thankful that my sorority introduced me to these smart, successful, thoughtful ladies who I would do almost anything for. PPL.

This is so Mish. Visit her on She is the wittiest person I know.

We ate two bags of this stuff. Along with an order of sweet potato fries, fried oysters and fried catfish. I need to stop hanging out with skinny friends with amazing metabolisms. It's quite sad when I can't pull my weight with chicks that are half my size.

It was Desi's birthday and apparently we had the honor of being her first birthday dinner dates. I'm sure she had three more parties after us.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

V Day

Single People Awareness Day. Happy Hallmark Day. Whatever you want to call it. It's Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, I am spending my V-day at home, in my bed battling sickness. But having this time gives me a chance to reflect about all that is Valentine's Day.

(thinking . . . still thinking . . . )

Fine. Well I will say a couple things that are flowing through my mind.

I'd like to think that I am not jaded about the whole L thing. I'm really not. I'm more of a realist. I feel that, at this point in my life, I really don't have anything to offer anyone. I can barely get my stuff together. I know I will find someone. I just really don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. People fall in love all the time. I will too. . . later.

When I was in L.A. this past week, my friends and I watched He's Just Not That Into You. I didn't know this, but it was a book? I honestly didn't like the movie all that much. It was okay but I didn't like how it ended. I felt like it wasn't realistic. But then again, it's a romantic comedy. How else is it suppose to end? In the movie, there is this one character that is single and absolutely crazy. She puts herself out there and makes a complete ass of herself in the process. I don't know if I would ever go that route. But there is something to be said about finding someone you like. The most cold hearted ice princess won't be able to deny that feeling. It's that sort of rush you get when that person calls. It drives you crazy. It drives me crazy. It drives me crazy that it drives me crazy. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.