Tuesday, February 17, 2009

La La Land and some O.C. as well

I finally got around to uploading all of my six pictures that I took from my recent trip to So. Cal. You would think that I would take more but I just wasn't in the paparazzi mood this time around. Anyways, here are some pics:

From L to R: Wang, Me (I'm doing my best "round pork bun with bangs and no eyes" impression), Bee, Mish, Des and Chi.

These girls (along with the absent Alice) are probably my closest friends in So. Cal. We went to Irvine together and all were in Pi Phi at the same time. Say what you want about sororities, but I am thankful that my sorority introduced me to these smart, successful, thoughtful ladies who I would do almost anything for. PPL.

This is so Mish. Visit her on www.michellewoo.com. She is the wittiest person I know.

We ate two bags of this stuff. Along with an order of sweet potato fries, fried oysters and fried catfish. I need to stop hanging out with skinny friends with amazing metabolisms. It's quite sad when I can't pull my weight with chicks that are half my size.

It was Desi's birthday and apparently we had the honor of being her first birthday dinner dates. I'm sure she had three more parties after us.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

oh i miss you guys!

