Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where's the Spontaneity?

Being someone who likes to plan and have an itinerary for everything, you wouldn't expect me to ask the question: "Where's the Spontaneity?" But I am. Where is it? I've/We've lost it somewhere.

Remember when you could just pick up the phone and call someone to "chat?" Doesn't happen anymore. Now, I must make "phone dates." Pre-arranged times to catch up and shoot the sh*t. I even feel like the conversation has to have some sort of itinerary in order to maximize my allotted phone time.

When did our lives become so planned and orderly? Oh wait, it's called growing up and getting jobs/knocked up/married. As we grow older, we just become busier and more responsible. That's just the way it is. But some days I can't help but miss the days where a conversation didn't feel rushed or when you would get together and just lounge. I might just have to plan that one of these days.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Commitment I Can Never Achieve

Woman Handcuffs Self to Husband

"A woman attempting to reconcile with her estranged husband handcuffed herself to him as he slept and then bit him on his torso and arms as he phoned for help, police said."

She told the police that she wanted to have a conversation with him and restraining him was the only way she could get him to talk to her. So she changed the locks while was sleeping and handcuffed herself to him.

Is that why men think we are clingy?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When I am working, I ride BART downtown. The morning commute has its own culture, set of rules and customs. And some interesting people. This is what I have noticed thus far:

1. If you are plan on standing there as the escalator goes up/down stand to the right. If not, you will get the inevitable "Excussssssse me" as the lady with the suit and tennis shoes pushes past you to catch that phantom train that hasn't even arrived yet.

2. Don't make eye contact while riding the train. I made this mistake during my first forlay into the BART commuter culture during my 2L summer internship. People think you are weird. Just close your eyes or read your book like everyone else.

3. If you don't have you iPod on, you are also weird.

4. There's always that one stragger that fails to realize the concept that you are suppose to line up while waiting for the BART. You know who you are. You pretend like you just got there and try to squeeze your way in when the doors open. You suck. Your suit and tie gives away your defense of ignorance.

5. To the idiots that bum rush the doors to get into the train. People actually need to get off the train. Who knew? Get out of the way. The bus will not magically run away in the next five seconds. For reals.

6. To the idiot that tries to sneak your way on the train but ends up getting stuck in the door. You are stuck in a BART door. Everyone is staring at you and secretly hopes the train goes forward a couple of feet. It doesn't hurt but that's what you get. Idiot.

7. If you catch some of the later trains, let's say about 10:30, you can meet the most interesting people. A couple of weeks ago I saw a lady dressed as the Statute of Liberty. Oh, and a while back, I saw a lady bring her pet rooster/chicken thing on the train. In a paper bag. And she was coo'ing to it. Dinner or a pet. Not sure.

Perhaps when I get a permanent job I can be truly accepted into the BART commuter culture. I think I'm ready. I've got my walking shoes, library books, and iPod. I'm ready to go. Please don't reject me.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's In Your Five?

What websites do you frequent the most? More specifically, what are the first five websites that you search when you first turn on your computer? I was thinking about this when I turned on my computer this morning. There are just some websites that I just automatically go to start my computer-infused day. Here they are:

1. www.gmail.com - Gotta check my e-mail. Doi.

2. www.espn.com - I was initially surprised but after some thought, it makes total sense. I love ESPN. I watch ESPN SportsCenter almost every day. It's therapeutic in way. Where else can I read The Sports Guy's Mailbag?

3. www.facebook.com - I usually connect to facebook because I got some e-mail alert telling me that someone has friended me/messaged me/written on my wall/commented on my status, etc. If not, facebook is probably number 5 on this list.

4. www.people.com - I need my daily dosage of celebrity gossip. Yes, I am well aware that people.com comes before any kind of grown-up news website. But I'm just that kind of gal.

5. www.sfgate.com - SFGate is where I go for news, articles about new restaurants or food, my daily crossword puzzle, and everything I need to know about the Yay.

Everyone has a routine. This is my online routine.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

For the last couple of months whenever I am on the BART on my way back home from work, I feel like crying. The feeling just comes up out of nowhere. I start to feel my eyes water and my body starts to get heavy. Then BAM I feel that wave of insecurity and sadness burst inside. In a manner of seconds, I think about everything that is dragging me down.

Why am I back here in the Bay Area? Why am I back here? It's a problem with association. I associate all my insecurities, all my failed relationships, and all that I have NOT accomplished to the Bay. I feel so lonely here. My BFF is gone and will be gone for another year at least. Everyone I know here is stuck in their own little sphere of existence that I can't seem to break into. I find it ironic that the place that I call "home" is the one place I seem to feel the most lonesome.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lent 2009

Even though I'm not Catholic, I have participated in the "giving something up" part of Lent for the past 6 or so years. Rather than a religious exercise, I look at giving something up as more of a mental challenge. I think out of the six years, I was only able to go the whole 40 days and 40 nights once. ONCE. Here are some prior things I have given up:

1. Meat (lasted a day)
2. Alcohol (lasted about 2 weeks)
3. Swearing (lasted about 1/2 a day)
4. Chocolate (this one actually stuck)
* I don't remember the last two. I do remember that they were complete failures.*

So this year, I decided to go all out and give up more than one thing. I am going to give up three things: Boys, bacon and sausage. All three are greasy, full of fat and only provide temporary satisfaction. Oh yea, all three will play some part in a drunken Friday night.

The last two will be the most difficult. I faced my first challenge yesterday during Saturday morning breakfast at Howard's End in the Sunset. I wanted an omelet. All but three of their omelets had bacon or sausage in it. So I ended up having to order a veggie omelet because the other two options involved ground beef and ham, both of which I was not feeling for. It is going to be a long road to Easter.