Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lib Lib Lib

After taking the bar and becoming jobless, I started to go to the library. I have always thought of myself of a bookstore kind of gal. Before this year, the last time I set foot in a library was in high school. And even then, it was just somewhere to study after school or a place to kill time until my parents picked me up after playing tennis. However, in an attempt to save money, I started to go to library to feed my need to read. But what started as an attempt to pinch pennies has evolved into a full blown appreciation for borrowing books and the library itself.

As corny as it may sound, I feel like being a library card holder gives me a bigger attachment to my community. Just by borrowing a book that someone else has read makes me feel more connected to my neighbors. As an added bonus, you don't have to pay for it! How awesome is that? And you can rent DVDs and CDs from the library? Who knew? Well, if you didn't, you know now!


Emily said...

I have totally become a library addict as well! Now I don't understand people who buy books. Why buy it when you can read it for free?

Unknown said...

I think going to the library is great, if you go to borrow books. But it sounds like Tash is going to kill time. I'm concerned that Tash is becoming more like a hobo or more like a senior citizen... either way, I'm concerned for Tash.