Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm not dead.

So, I've got a little less than an hour before my partnership tax class so I figured I'd stop in and blog a bit. Hello, my five followers. I have missed you even though I talk to most of you on a regular basis.

New Stuff:

I like new country music now. I feel like I have to specify what type of country lest people get confused. I like me some Lady Antebellum, Sugarland and some Carrie Underwood.

I no longer have class on Wednesday nights so I can possibly have a life now. Like a post-work drinks kind of life. The best kind that involves booze.

My bff is getting married and is going slowly insane. But since I love her and hold her hand as I thumb through five million variations of short white dresses on the internets and as I try to convince to her to let me consume more than two drinks before I give my maid of hour speech while wearing my "maid of hour" glittered sash. She is so unreasonable sometimes.

I am going to be dividing my summer between SF and Sac. I am interning for free (b/c that is the only work that I can qualify for) at the Franchise Tax Board in Sac.

I will be graduating from my LLM program this summer.

Miso is turning 6 this summer. I am already planning his birthday.

I know that's not a Papillon but with the weight that Miso has been putting on lately, he's getting close.

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